Friday 10 August 2012

It's the Final Countdown! (Der-der der, der...)

I now have exactly uno week left in the comfort of the UK. (Give or take a few hours) I have started to get the same question repeatedly by every member of both my family and my friendship group...

"When the f*ck will you p*ss off already?!?!" HA. I joke. It's become a regular occurance within my daily conversations to ask "are you nervous?" "Are you ready to go?" "How are you feeling about it now?" and quite honestly, I can say it STILL hasn't hit me. In my mind I've still got months left before it arrives. And then I realise in a few short days packed full of last minute flying visits from family members and get togethers, I'll be boarding my 12 hour plane journey, ready to take on San Diego alone.

Safe to say, f*ck yeah I'm scared!!

I've spent the last week run off my feet getting the last few professional arrangements concreted, amongst organising to see those people I value most. Last night I finally sat and sorted through my things and finally, the proper excitement has begun to kick in. Better late than never. (Not to say that I haven't been excited all this time of course! But now it's becoming REAL.)

As expected, I'm determined to make the most of my 4 months in California extremely worth while and will be taking every possible opportunity thrown at me. (within budget) My university has very kindly awarded me with a £200 bursary to help me along my way. This works out at about $313. I plan to use this money to take a trip to Las Vegas and experience the incredible sights of the Grand Canyon, something which I have dreamt of doing for years for a number of reasons.

I'm sure you'll have guessed by now I'll be blogging alot more (by popular demand by a couple of my close friends!!) to keep track both for myself, and everyone back home, on what I'm doing out there so I have a way of sharing my experiences. Watch this space!

For now,
A VERY organised and slightly excited Carrskid,
Rowling's Apprentice.




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