Monday 12 March 2012

California Dreamin'

So those of you who know what's been going on will know exactly what I'm about to say. For the rest of you Earthlings, I shall fill you in.

Around a month ago (Feb 14th to be precise) the section of students from year 1 wishing to go on exchange for a semester abroad got told where they'd been placed. Now, we all had to pick 3 choices from the list of over 60 partner universities stretched from North America, Europe, Africa to over in Asia and Australia. So, naturally, I think I can speak for the entirety of the exchange module when I say we weren't expecting to get our first choices so it was crucial to get our 2nd & 3rd ones right.

After a very long and draining elimination process I dwindled the pile of possibles down to my three. These were; San Diego State University, Brock University (Ontario, Canada) and the University of Southern Maine.

So there I was, casually going about my non-conformist's day, when my friend text me to let me know the list had gone up. 2 days early! So obviously everyone's rushing to get to the office just to see where they got and I'm there walking along thinking "hell yeah, Canada here I come."

So Imagine my shock when I see this picture;

Name: Antonia Carr
Partner University: San Diego State University

And suddenly I get a whole new meaning to the "holiday" of St Valentine. To say I'd put SDSU down thinking I'd never get it, but still putting it down to say I'd at least tried to get there... My year has been truly made!

So now I'm in the middle of the official application process (I had to do an initial process to apply for the exchange) to SDSU itself and come the 22nd that will be sent off and I'll be waiting on my acceptance letter and visa papers. This gives me ample time to browse through my new purchases!

Naturally a travel guide of the state was a must. So is a travel journal to document and record the whole thing! I've also made the decision to start a vlog so my folks and friends may keep up with what I'm doing. Though this wont start until the process properly starts! My term starts on the 20th August though so it'll be coming round fast!

Until then, I've taken up a new habit of listening to any song with the word "California" or similar in it's name/lyrics. This has formed the catalyst of many happy moods!

For now, 5 months and counting,
A very excited Carrskid,
Rowling's Ecstatic Apprentice!


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