Friday 28 June 2013

Missing in Action

Hey there... remember me...?

So I think I've a smidgen of absence explaining to do. I led you right to the cusp of my San Diego experience, aaaaaand then left you hanging. I apologise for that but you'll get details of the whole four months over time - I genuinely and so solemnly promise so.

It has been one big mash up of 10 months that has very literally changed my entire life as I knew it, and no, I'm not exaggerating just to keep you entertained. I think I speak for a lot of people I know when I say my 2012 was far too good to be true - A holiday with my girls in Zante, getting the opportunity to study abroad in San Diego but to name two of the resonating factors... (plus surviving the 2012 apocalypse of which is an achievement I'm personally very proud of!) and I was absolutely correct. Needless to say my 2013 hasn't been going too sunny. They say the number 13 is bad luck, but they never said that applied to variations too!

The beginning of the year actually wasn't so bad - I spent the midnight countdown in some club (who knows?!) in Leamington Spa and shortly after - like 30 minutes - promptly being escorted back through town to my friend's house to sleep the rest of the morning away. I know, I'm wild.

Life resumed at Keele like I'd never actually been away and San Diego very much became a distant memory. Yadda yadda.

Easter - Possibly the worst holiday I've had yet. I'd spent my whole time at uni making sure I got all my work done and submitted so I could go home for the easter weekend. Only for my life to completely explode (momentarily) 3 days later. It's all a bit of a blur and I'll spare unnecessarily intricate and private details but on easter sunday my dad passed away at the age of 54. This is the first time I've written anything about it and it might well be the last. This quite literally shook my entire family and friends to the core but without their support, I don't think we'd be doing as well as we are now. We're a strong clan and this has undoubtedly brought us a lot closer together and that's at least one thing I can't blame 2013's bad luck on! The way I see it though, things can only get better from that - and they have been. To say it's only been 3 months without him is bizarre. On the one side it's felt like an eternity, but on the other... I miss him every single day.

I'm currently on my summer break from university (a typically British rainy and very sporadically sunny 4 months might I say!) and next year is my final year - eek! So I'm spending my days researching possible plans of action ready for this time next year. I know how fast it's going to swing round so it's starting to get to panic stage and since my usual guide on these matters is otherwise indisposed... (I've got to joke in these situations!) I'm very much going on my own gut feelings. I'm obviously asking opinions from others but it's not quite the wizened talks I'm used to and therefore seeking out.

My options so far consist of:

  • Graduate Diploma in Law - I have an A Level in it and enjoyed it - job security 
  • TEFL - Job security - I want to see more of the world - I'm English...
  • Production - I'm both creative AND academic - I've always been interested in media
  • Journalism - Only if I have a secure column somewhere giving out my opinion. 
  • Publishing - I took a class in the States and enjoyed it - Contacts! - I'm writing this on a blog..!
Basically, I don't have a clue. What I'd really like is some form of current employment to help pay for food next year but that's Britain for you! Unemployment woes for students, studying to enter a less than healthy job market - but such is life etceteras. I'm studying for my degree - If I can write pretty much endlessly on Fitzgerald's repeated use of the American Dream (possible dissertation topic?) I'm pretty sure I can learn to pull a pint or ask someone what food they'd like to order. For now I'll carry on volunteering. 

For now,
A somewhat deflated - but still a bit cheery! - Carrskid,
Rowling's Apprentice.


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