My Blog and I

My general welcome - Details on my blog and I

Welcome to my blog. Here I will be sharing my views, opinions and insights into the world of literature, writing and other such book related elements. As the blog name suggests, there are definitely going to be references to both JK Rowling and Harry Potter rather frequently. Solely due to my vast interest in everything Potter

I am also starting the process of constructing my first novel and therefore likely to post my progress when appropriate. I may also contain book reviews of my current readings from time to time. 

Now to myself - I am a university student in which I am temporarily living in the sunny greenery that is the west of England, originally from the extremely flat landed East of England, so far I'm enjoying the new scenery of hills! This, undoubtedly is going to provide a vast amount of inspiration over the following years. 

I am also extremely interested in travelling and photography, this may also therefore, take an appearance in my blog with regards to inspirational locations along the way. 

For now that is all, if you read my blog regularly you'll learn about my personality as channelled through my words. 

Rowling's Apprentice.

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