Tuesday 6 March 2012

Backdated Birthday!

Part 1
So, just over a month and a halfish after my birthday, I finally have time to share with you what a joyus event turning 19 was. (Trust me, there's good reason for the delay which you will just have to wait to find out about!)

My birthday naturally had to be split into two parts this year, I was home for my mum's birthday but had to return to university for mine. BUT, this meant I got to split my presents out over the weekend and was also able to have a birthday cake! It happened to be a rainbow cake which, I personally was more excited about than my actual birthday!

However, that was nowhere near as exciting as knowing I would be getting this rather sexy specimen collection of books, which, I had no choice but to open early. They have remained at home and so naturally aren't on my shelf. Which is probably a good thing considering I've had to now take ALL my books off of said shelf due to the predictable less than par student accommodation I current rent and the subtle moisture seeping from my walls. I can't wait to move!

I know, This is the sexiest set of books I've ever owned. I miss them dearly while I'm here at university and often forget I own them. IT's a nice reminder and jolt of happiness to return home to seeing this waiting for me! Despite various people out in the Amazon universe stating they've had problems with the adult versions of Harry Potter, mine appear to be perfect :D How could they not be really?! Following the Harry Potter theme, I also received this amazing necklace from my sister which now has pride of place around my neck constantly. It has replaced Tiffany. But the anything HP related, would. I'd actually spent quite a long time browsing Etsy.com and seen this longing for it and never thought my sibling would have had the same idea. Forever grateful! :)

Part 2

After this already exciting intro to my birthday, I then returned to university the night before the day and luckily, it happened to fall within refresher's week! Still had lectures but they happened to be the introductory ones so managed to spend most of the day shopping and finding something to wear for the night time shinnanigans. Little did I know while I hopped off to attend said lectures, my friends decided to get me the pretty dress I'd intentionally set aside to buy after uni :D I also finally got the giant badge I'd missed out on having on my 18th. Plus jelly belly jelly beans.

I was then also delightedly surprised by my housemates giving me a Tinkerbell mug, it's pride of place currently on my makeshift "dressing table" rather than my shelf. I'm avoiding any chance of my things being ruined by the dreaded burnt orange walls that encapsulate my current life!

So, I can quite honestly say I was pleasantly surprised about spending my birthday over in the west side of the country rather than in the east and had a fantastic few days with some of the best friends and family in the world!!

Naturally, my shelf of interesting things subsequently became bombarded with an array of assorted colourful pieces of card. Normally I don't care much for cards as people only tend to look at them once and then find their way into with the bin or very dark draws for years on end to then be thrown away when the mass 5 year clear out happens. This time, I was very thankful for their presence!

For now,

Rowling's Apprentice.


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