Monday, 12 March 2012

Retail Happy Boost

At the moment Waterstones is having a promotion in order to boost their sales. Obviously, having one on my campus and being a sucker for not wanting to have them go bust, I complied. It involves collecting 10 stamps, one for every £10 spent, to then receive a "free" £10 gift card. So essentially, you're paying £100 for a £10 gift card. Normally I wouldn't be silly enough to pay for their prices but being an English student I didn't mind so much buying a couple of my required texts in exchange for stamps.

So I got down to 7 stamps and then thought I'd get the last three with books I've been wanting to buy for months.

This just so happened to fall on the publishing date of the standard paperback version of Rothfuss' The Wise Man's Fear. It was originally published back in November, but I'd bought the first book in the Kingkiller Chronicle series, The Name of the Wind, in standard paperback form (and if you've seen the ridiculous difference in size between the two, you'd understand why I waited!) That and the fact I still can't read the second instalment until precisely the 11th May. The first book had me gripped from the beginning and if you love fantasy novels of wizards with a bit more oompf, I highly recommend you get your mits on it! (Official review still to be made once I've had the delight of rereading it for your purposes. And my own :P)

I also decided to get the first book in Riordan's second series of children's books, Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero. Despite being at the age of 18 when I read them, I thoroughly enjoyed the Percy Jackson books and love the film! Naturally I was very excited to hear they're making the second book into a film in 2013. So for a few months I've been deliberating whether to give his second lot a go, but again, this shall have to wait until I have finished university (in a few weeks time may I add! Scary stuff.)

As for John Green, I have a copy of all but one of his books (An Abundance of Katherines) and I have to say so far, I've been less than thrilled with his work. Having said that, I'm 19 and studying literature. But having always been a sucker for adolescent fiction with a gripping plot, Green just hasn't pushed my buttons. Still, I thought I'd give his newest publication, The Fault in Our Stars, a chance and hey-presto, I got my gift card.

Fourthly, I went to Smiths and purchased the flowery item in the bottom left corner. Just for my general ramblings. I'm currently in possession of 5 different journals and still not one of them is for my writing. I just haven't found the perfect bound for my ideas just yet but they are floating in my brain patiently waiting.

For now,
Rowling's Apprentice.

California Dreamin'

So those of you who know what's been going on will know exactly what I'm about to say. For the rest of you Earthlings, I shall fill you in.

Around a month ago (Feb 14th to be precise) the section of students from year 1 wishing to go on exchange for a semester abroad got told where they'd been placed. Now, we all had to pick 3 choices from the list of over 60 partner universities stretched from North America, Europe, Africa to over in Asia and Australia. So, naturally, I think I can speak for the entirety of the exchange module when I say we weren't expecting to get our first choices so it was crucial to get our 2nd & 3rd ones right.

After a very long and draining elimination process I dwindled the pile of possibles down to my three. These were; San Diego State University, Brock University (Ontario, Canada) and the University of Southern Maine.

So there I was, casually going about my non-conformist's day, when my friend text me to let me know the list had gone up. 2 days early! So obviously everyone's rushing to get to the office just to see where they got and I'm there walking along thinking "hell yeah, Canada here I come."

So Imagine my shock when I see this picture;

Name: Antonia Carr
Partner University: San Diego State University

And suddenly I get a whole new meaning to the "holiday" of St Valentine. To say I'd put SDSU down thinking I'd never get it, but still putting it down to say I'd at least tried to get there... My year has been truly made!

So now I'm in the middle of the official application process (I had to do an initial process to apply for the exchange) to SDSU itself and come the 22nd that will be sent off and I'll be waiting on my acceptance letter and visa papers. This gives me ample time to browse through my new purchases!

Naturally a travel guide of the state was a must. So is a travel journal to document and record the whole thing! I've also made the decision to start a vlog so my folks and friends may keep up with what I'm doing. Though this wont start until the process properly starts! My term starts on the 20th August though so it'll be coming round fast!

Until then, I've taken up a new habit of listening to any song with the word "California" or similar in it's name/lyrics. This has formed the catalyst of many happy moods!

For now, 5 months and counting,
A very excited Carrskid,
Rowling's Ecstatic Apprentice!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Backdated Birthday!

Part 1
So, just over a month and a halfish after my birthday, I finally have time to share with you what a joyus event turning 19 was. (Trust me, there's good reason for the delay which you will just have to wait to find out about!)

My birthday naturally had to be split into two parts this year, I was home for my mum's birthday but had to return to university for mine. BUT, this meant I got to split my presents out over the weekend and was also able to have a birthday cake! It happened to be a rainbow cake which, I personally was more excited about than my actual birthday!

However, that was nowhere near as exciting as knowing I would be getting this rather sexy specimen collection of books, which, I had no choice but to open early. They have remained at home and so naturally aren't on my shelf. Which is probably a good thing considering I've had to now take ALL my books off of said shelf due to the predictable less than par student accommodation I current rent and the subtle moisture seeping from my walls. I can't wait to move!

I know, This is the sexiest set of books I've ever owned. I miss them dearly while I'm here at university and often forget I own them. IT's a nice reminder and jolt of happiness to return home to seeing this waiting for me! Despite various people out in the Amazon universe stating they've had problems with the adult versions of Harry Potter, mine appear to be perfect :D How could they not be really?! Following the Harry Potter theme, I also received this amazing necklace from my sister which now has pride of place around my neck constantly. It has replaced Tiffany. But the anything HP related, would. I'd actually spent quite a long time browsing and seen this longing for it and never thought my sibling would have had the same idea. Forever grateful! :)

Part 2

After this already exciting intro to my birthday, I then returned to university the night before the day and luckily, it happened to fall within refresher's week! Still had lectures but they happened to be the introductory ones so managed to spend most of the day shopping and finding something to wear for the night time shinnanigans. Little did I know while I hopped off to attend said lectures, my friends decided to get me the pretty dress I'd intentionally set aside to buy after uni :D I also finally got the giant badge I'd missed out on having on my 18th. Plus jelly belly jelly beans.

I was then also delightedly surprised by my housemates giving me a Tinkerbell mug, it's pride of place currently on my makeshift "dressing table" rather than my shelf. I'm avoiding any chance of my things being ruined by the dreaded burnt orange walls that encapsulate my current life!

So, I can quite honestly say I was pleasantly surprised about spending my birthday over in the west side of the country rather than in the east and had a fantastic few days with some of the best friends and family in the world!!

Naturally, my shelf of interesting things subsequently became bombarded with an array of assorted colourful pieces of card. Normally I don't care much for cards as people only tend to look at them once and then find their way into with the bin or very dark draws for years on end to then be thrown away when the mass 5 year clear out happens. This time, I was very thankful for their presence!

For now,

Rowling's Apprentice.