Sunday 27 November 2011

My University

It's been long overdue now as I'm currently writing this with only 3 weeks till I return home for the christmas holidays. Nevertheless, now I've spent most of the first semester here, It's probably about time I shared some of my university goodness with you.

This is my room. Please bear in mind when I first moved in, everything had it's place. It was still just as orange then as it is now. C'est la vie.
It is too small to fit into one photograph given the space I have to take said photo. I'm a first year as you may have realised. No this is not in halls. I don't think they like to give their students such vibrantly coloured rooms as my landlord does. Our house is co-ordinated. We have a purple room, blue room, pink room, green room and obviously, orange. Needless to say, I've bought a few posters since being here.

Given that my camera is a Cannon EOD 450D, I personally don't take mine out on a night out at the union and surrounding areas. Therefore, I barely have any photos of my time spent here already, but plan to next semester, along with the beginning of next year as I will (hopefully!) be in the USA.

Over the past few weeks I've been researching and doing all the requirements from our Study Abroad team in order to get myself in the states for the first semester of year 2. From around 30 partner universities I have finally narrowed it down to 4 choices. I need 3. As of next week the application goes live and thus I shall be completing it in the shortest time possible to make sure I get on the programme. Hope fully come the first week of August 2012 I'll be packing my belongings for the next 4 months.

Currently it is 4 weeks to christmas. This year the run up has been a little disappointing so far as I've been busily churning out work weekly for my 4 modules. I'm hoping this is simply because I'm not at home and my usual experience of christmas is somewhat different this year! suffice to say, I cannot wait for the next 3 weeks to fly by so I can go home and experience my usual festivities and christmas atmosphere! Not for lack of trying though, this week I invested in around 20 clementines, a bottle of advocaat, some lemonade and watching the supply of christmas films I brought with me. It's been a little depressing lately but the countdown has become the forefront thought of each and every day.

However, it's not all doom and gloom as they say. Last weekend I finally got to visit home, for longer than most of the friends I have made here as each week I get fridays and mondays (not to mention wednesdays!) off from uni. For the first time in around 6 years, I had never been so delighted to be driven through the streets of my home town. I may have complained endlessly about having not moved to uni yet, but it was a nice nostalgic welcome change to the mundanity that life here at university has become.

The weekend before I also got the chance to visit my boyfriend for an even longer weekend to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. This, for me, is totally a huge deal. This was my present :)

Next time my post wont be as long because I don't plan on waiting 2 months each time to update on my life. So far, university isn't everything people always rave about.

For now,
Rowling's Apprentice.


So, my plan to kick start my new blog has been delayed somewhat and have been due to the following reasons;
  • I started university and as anticipated, my life has suddenly become extremely fast paced and difficult to manage my time to involve updating my blog as often as I would like.
  • As with starting university, comes starting a new level of work and thus the demands are alot higher.
  • Juggling my time at university, getting all the work done, trying to develop and maintain some form of a social life while I'm here, I'm also stressing about everything else!
Having said this, I am planning on scheduling time into my system to involve this little page of delights so even I can keep up with what I've been doing!

For now,
Rowling's Apprentice.