Friday 6 April 2012

Not Quite Non-Lent

Following from yesterday's post, aside from being reduced to agony due to a certain type of tooth, I've decided to write my non-lent list. However, instead of this being a period of 40 days in which I gorge on something I love, I've essentially just re-started lent instead. Only not for 40 days and 40 nights, but for the period of time between now and my departure to the states. I can feel the wisdom coming on already.

So, my reasoning; I failed on actual lent this year and constantly find myself hating what I'm eating/doing with each days as of late. Here's my list:

1. Pizza
2. Cheese
3. Takeaways
4. Red meat
5. Puddings
6. Crisps
7. Chocolate (Don't normally eat it but when I get chocolate I actually like, disaster strikes)
8. Unnecessary daily Facebook checks - to be reduced to once every 3 days
9. Pressing Snooze - I don't wish to keep wasting half days due to sleep. (Exception: Hungover)
10. Carbonated Drinks
11. Sugar in my tea
12. Any other milk than skimmed
13. Oil
14. Late night snacking
15. Unnecessary use of hair straighteners
16. Finding new series online for the sake of procrastination
17. Relying on my phone so much
18. Having Facebook on my phone
19. Not blogging regularly
20. Not skyping/calling people.

So, as I sit drinking the last few glugs of pepsi, as of Monday, I'll be trying my best to stick to my own rules. Now that it's been published, it's given me the goal to stick to so I hearby give anyone the permission to penalise me if I admit to breaking them.

Normally alcohol would be pretty high on this list, but summer is approaching and I'm going to a country that I won't be able to drink in. At least, being a student, I should end up saving some pennies from this.

For now,
Rowling's Apprentice.

Thursday 5 April 2012

A Pleasant Change of Opinion

Like most of the country, I've left university for a month of Easter antics and finishing of that small 6,000 word barrier between myself and completing my first year. Needless to say, I've given myself the first week off to do absolutely nothing, yet have failed in arranging any decent plans with friends. They all happen to be taking place amongst my 3 week essay schedule. We all know what will happen there.

So, this week I've found myself watching notoriously boring daytime television and compulsively checking facebook at least once an hour. The devil is now I have an iPhone, it's too easy to check up on everyone else not having a life, even when I purposely shut my laptop down. I know, same old story as everyone else. BUT, by literally having nothing to do in this first week, it's made me realise that once I do start the ball rolling on these essays, the procrastination only made me bored so I shouldn't really do it. (Here's for hoping.) It has also made me appreciate university. Huzzah! About time and all that.

Yes, I have become yet another name on the list of people who started off complaining about uni, contemplated dropping out and ruining their lives, to then stay and love it by the time the sun comes out. But, what can I say, better late than never. So I'm currently feeling pretty lucky with the opportunities that lay ahead of me in the coming couple years, and it's taken looking at certain individuals and the mistakes they've made, pointing and laughing as we all do, along with the prospect of getting out of England for 4 months and some other exciting social developments, to get me to love my current life.

So, that said, 3 WHOLE LONG WEEKS at home until I get to go back. YAY...

For now,
A very bored Carrskid,
Rowling's Apprentice.