Thursday 22 December 2011

Christmas Content

Over the past couple week's I've accumulated a couple new additions to my shelf, typically following the christmas theme given that these were given to me in my last week before returning home for the holiday.

First, I received my very first christmas card from one of my best friends at university :) Obviously this isn't a permanent addition to my shelves but I felt like sharing it with you anyway since I rarely do cards, let alone christmas ones!

My second addition happens to be my very first christmas gift this year from two of my housemates. The bag contains a bottle of black forest flavoured vodka, which they flavoured themselves, along with a stick of kinder chocolate, which happens to be my favourite chocolate! Needless to say, I was surprised and very happy to be given this. I do however have a problem with never consuming these types of gifts because they become rather nice homely ornaments instead.

The third, which I value alot, happens to have been a random gift from another of my friends. Coincidentally, it happened to be something I was minutes away from buying myself, so It's a good job I didn't visit the Yankee Candle shop before meeting up with her on the day! It's the aptly named Christmas Eve candle and I've absolutely adored it ever since my sister bought herself one two Christmases ago. Since then, christmas hasn't smelt right without having this particular candle being lit every day the entire week before the day! Now, not only did I have my own small version for the lead up to leaving university for home, but now I'm back, my sister has bought one of the HUGE jars this year, just to keep the festivities going!

So far, this christmas is slowly getting alot better! Now I'm finally back home, the festivities are flooding in to my door. Quite a contrast from the lack of christmassy feeling back at university, but I suppose that was always going to be a given. There's really no place like home!

For now,

Rowling's Apprentice.


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